Wood Kinds: OAK , ASH , BEECH , HORNBEAM HARDWOOD , BIRCH , ACACIA, OLIVE separately 100% pure one wood kind fom listed or mixed as required

Ash FireWood in High 2 m3 Pallet Box Crate with Dried Hardwood Logs 10-20% Moisture

Original price was: €170.00.Current price is: €138.00.

Ash FireWood in High 2 m3 Pallet Box Crate with Dried Hardwood Logs 10-20% Moisture

Ash FireWood is perhaps the most popular choice of firewood as it is naturally low in moisture, gives off good heat and is excellent value. It will also burn reasonably well with minimal drying time and doesn’t spark much when burning. It can be burnt on its own or mixed with a slightly more dense wood for longer burning time.

  • Versatile, Overall High-Quality Fuel
  • Reliable, Quick High Heat Source
  • Pleasant, Strong & Bright Flame
  • Our Most Popular, Long Standing Firewood Product
  • Subtle Aroma
  • Long Burn Duration
  • Excellent Quality & Output for ValueAll these features are a testament to this wood’s quality, and the burning characteristics in comparison to the input required makes a crate worth every penny spent. You’ll have a batch of logs that’ll last a long time, for the best value.

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